Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Breast feeding

My first thoughts....child birth un-medicated is a lot easier than breast feeding. At least with child birth you know it will be over soon and you can physically see the reward. Breast feeding you know you will have to suffer all over again in 2-3 hours, sure the rewards are fantastic but it takes time to wreap the rewards. Needless to say, in those first two weeks home, life couldn't get much harder everyone is adjusting. The good news is......it does get better, a lot better.

The first few days I tried to look at my cute daughter and relax when nursing hurt, but after that with all the hormones I had left over from the birth I was a wreak and I seriously wanted to give up. For 2-3 days Zuzu ate mostly from the bottle, but when I went to breast feed her, it hurt even worse because her latch had got worse.

So at my wits end, I went to the lactation consultant. I got some advice and got a nipple shield. That nipple shield saved my life. Nursing became enjoyable again. We stayed clear of the bottle for about 3-4 weeks (until she was 6 weeks old.)

Now at 8 weeks I started weaning her from the nipple shield 2 days ago and then last night when I tried to use it to give my girls a break she would not take it. So now I have to be tough again and hopefully this time we will be successful.

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