The couple that lived here before us built the house. When they sold it to us almost 3 years ago they were in their mid-60s. As they told all the neighbors at the time. "We like our yard to look natural." By that they meant we put stuff in the ground but we don't take care of it.
I spent the whole weekend digging up old mulch. By old I mean it was beautiful compost on top of a weed barrier. When we bought the place they had just thrown down a thin layer or mulch. The plants were so over grown they were hiding all the rocks. The plant on the left of the picture is actually lavender, but it appears to have only been trimmed 3 times in it's life. Once when the house went up for sale (so it wasn't covering the walkway), once when we moved in (because it was 2.5 times the size it is now), and once this weekend. The poor lavender is all woody. I am hoping I can save it.
While I was clearing the old mulch we found an opening in the weed barrier for a plant. We were talking about what to put in it. An hour later our neighbor walks over with a container full of day lilies. We have great neighbors.
Husband got a ridding mower this weekend too. Now the lawn only takes 1-1.5 hours to mow instead of 4-6 hours. I hate that is is gas powered, but saving an average of 3-5 hours every other weekend it awesome.
Hopefully I can finish the bottom of this hill this week and get some more blueberries in soon. Then weed the walkway all before the end of June.