Friday, April 22, 2011


It has been a month since my last post. I am 138 lbs. Yes I lost only 1 pound.

In my own defense I spent 3 of the 4 weeks on the road managing 3 children, 4 and under. You try driving 2000 miles and eating out more often than not and see how you can do. :p

Not to worry though. Spring is here. That means me outside mowing half an acre with a push mower every week for the next month and every other week for the next 4 months after that. I really love our yard when it is presentable. I am so excited that the weather is changing.

Now I must really start thinking about my garden and getting it in order too. I have a plan for it that I did months ago. Now I just need to do more prep work and get everything planted in the next month (while praying the slugs don't eat it all).

A mother's work is never done....

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