First: We would all love to loose weight and fit into our pre-pregnancy jeans by our 6 week post-partum doctor's visit, but it rarely works that way. So do us all a favor decide before the baby is born which is more important to you. Fitting into your normal clothes or breast feeding your baby.
Which ever you choose is cool. It is your choice after all. I just don't want to hear you complaining to other moms how your milk dried up and you can't breast feed, but you lost all your pre pregnancy weight in a month. If you want to nurse your baby you must eat an extra 500 calories a day to keep the milk flowing.
Don't get me wrong some mothers truly can't breast feed and they try everything.
If you choose to loose weight over eating 2500 calories a day, then just say, " I decided that breast feeding was not for me."
Second: When you have a baby your life will change. I don't care if you were Martha Stewart or the laziest person in the world. When your baby is born it is a baby. (Some people forget this.) Your baby just wants to eat, sleep, fill his or her diaper and spend time hanging out with mom and dad. If you plan to do anything more than feed your baby, sleep when your baby sleeps or hold your baby when it sleeps, change his or her diaper, or interact with your baby you might just be out of luck. Sure sometimes they can sleep and you can accomplish things, but then the next day it can change and you can spend your whole day in your PJs just feeding your baby ad holding him or her all day. You will have to put your life on hold or hire someone to help you. Your husband will hold the baby for 15 minutes to 2 hours a day so you can eat or maybe take a shower, but the minute that baby cries he is usually done. You will cry and get depressed from time to time, but you will also get the cutest smiles and sweetest laughter.
Third: There is no such thing as a bad baby. There are only easy and difficult babies. If your baby does something you don't like it does not make the baby a bad baby. They are babies. They have no sense of right and wrong. Did you say bad fetus?? I also strongly believe that words influence actions. If you go around saying, "Bad baby, you peed on Mrs. Smith" and you start doing that then by the time your child is two they are going to know how to be bad, but have no clue on how to be good. (Yes, they will defiantly be doing some bad things by the time they are two, but obviously at that age they have more knowledge and control over their body then a 3 or 6 month old.)
Just my thoughts for the day. Take them or leave them.
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