Some one that I talk to requested to know about the stuff people never talk about that comes with giving birth so I decided to C&P it have been at your own risk
You want it here is it.
Way Too Much info...
...Yes I pooped why pushing and the nurse helped get it out.
When Zuzu was here she was put on my chest , I had my boob hanging out, never cared.
I had high blood pressure from the pushing for about 4 hours after delivery. I was really dizzy the first time I got up after delivery and I peed more that I ever have in my life.
You bleed worse than your worst AF (in the being) the nurse pushes on you uterus and squeezes more out of you while trying to make your uterus contract down to normal size. When you BF the first week or so you get little cramps from more contractions. (This is actually great for your body, even though some people say it hurts.)
It hurts to sit, it hurts to stand (for the first week)....I was the happiest sitting on my foam latex pillow from home, even in the car ride home. You can bleed for up to 6 weeks. I was lucky, only 2 weeks and it got light quickly. In the hospital you get ice packs for down there and they feel great. I also got disposable boyshort undies and gigantic pads....think Depends. The hospital also gives you a squirting water bottle to rinse and pat down that area after you use the potty.
I had a second degree tear. First bowel movement is scary...constipated and scared you will rip yourself open again...not to mention everything hurts so you don't know what is what. But you know you have got to do it otherwise you feel like you will explode.
You are an emotional wreak...think PMS times 2 for the first month. DH wants have NO interest. When you do try it think very dry and very closed down there....and it stays that way for a while. Pressure to do your wifely duties all the time which causes more strain on the relationship.
Breast feeding for me was worse than un-medicated childbirth...seriously think nipples in vice grip. In the first few weeks you never feel like you make enough milk. You HAVE to eat even when you are not hungry and you feel like a fat cow. (Otherwise your milk starts drying up.)
10 days after birth I had to go to the hospital because I had a fever and was dehydrated. I had 2 IVs stuck in me, a breast infection and a urinary track infection. (Just when I was getting use to being home and starting to get comfortable again.)
Baby crying, you crying husband loosing sanity and he can't really help enough to make a difference.
But at the end of the day you forget all the bad stuff and you know you would gladly do it again first because you have to...later because you want to. You know how you feel so in love on your wedding day and you feel as though you could never love anyone more....well you can. I love my DH but if someone told me to pick between the two hands down it would always be my DD.
How is that for details :p